Rowlandson in Bath

’’The Comforts of Bath’’

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1 - The Visit to the Doctor
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Among the five doctors who have preyed on him, two are shown with the symbol of their profession, a Malacca cane with a pommel made of silver, gold or ivory, containing a flask of salts which the doctor can inhale from time to time to protect himself against unhealthy fumes.


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2 - The Concert...
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While in Bath in 1792, the artist Thomas Rowlandson (who also made cartoons on London society) painted a series of twelve watercolours published as aquatints, which give a satirical view of various episodes in the life of a visitor “taking the waters”. A gouty character appears in many of the scenes,with his young wife courted by an officer.


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3 - The Pump Room
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These illustrations show the social life of the Pump Room. The statue of the master of ceremonies Beau Nash presided over it.

To the left, a gouty gentleman is taken to the Pump in a wheel-chair. To the right, ladies are being served a glass of Bath water. The statue of Beau Nash can be seen in the niche of the wall...


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4 - The Visit to the Fishmarket
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5 - The Morning Ride
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6 - The Portrait-painter’s Studio
The fashionable society of Bath sat to famous portrait-painters who set up their studio there...
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7 - The King’s Bath
The King’s Bath is presided over by the statue of Bladud, the legendary founder of the city.
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8 - Card-playing
Card-playing in the Assembly Rooms, where gambling also took place.
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9 - The Gourmets...
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10 - The Assembly Ball
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Balls were given in the Assembly Rooms.

The watercolour evokes the crowded social gatherings, evoked in the novels of Smollett and Jane Austen...


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11 - Public breakfast
(taken together in pleasure gardens or at the Assembly Rooms)
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12 - Gouty visitors on the slopes of Lansdown Crescent
Lansdown Crescent commands a view of the city.
The sedan chair porters cause the chair to tumble when the customers are not generous enough.
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